Author name: Melisa Handley

Hello again, if you made it this far I just want to start off by saying thank you for checking out my website. I'm Melisa Mikko Handley. I'm a first generation American, born in Okinawa, Japan, and raised in Joshua, Texas. (Thank you Dad) My creative journey started as early as elementary school. I grew up in what some would call a "broken home" and found freedom through reading and writing. I am thankful for my upbringing, because it gave me motivation. After leaving home, like most I stumbled around (or so I thought). I had gotten into the service industry where I learned more about people than I ever did food. How people acted, how they would think, what they would wear, how they would "brand" themselves. People are walking billboards I thought to myself often. With the help of a couple of good people, and a understanding general manger (Thanks Kate) I was able to support myself and pay for Bachelor of Business in Marketing at Tarleton. Like most, my story doesn't end here. It's only getting started. But, we will save that for when we meet again. Cheers, Melisa Mikko


Practice What You Preach

Since we last talked about this I made $1.87.

Let’s continue the conversation.

Last week we talked about APY, and the importance of having a high yield savings account. If you are not in a position to invest, but at the least you have a savings account do yourself a favor and at least make sure the APY is high.

I’m an advocate of practicing what I preach, here’s a photo taken today of my own. I put 1k into a Wealthfront account since my last post (roughly 1 week ago for reference) and here is the result TODAY

Some of you may think $1.87 isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, but those of you who plan for the longterm and already understand the power of compounding will know the real value of this.

As always, thanks for reading.


Savings Advice

*beginner level*

Do you have a savings account? Yes? Okay – this is for you.

Up until recently I had a regular degular savings account at Navy Fed, they have a APY of .25%(this is shit btw)

APY means: Annual Percentage Yield, AKA the percentage I can earn off what’s in that account.

For some reason I always liked the idea of banking at a go to place, creature of habit I guess. The more I shopped around though banks have different rates for savings accounts.

Now I have a 5% APY rate, which is pretty good for a savings account. It also has (unlimited) withdrawals. So if you are still being a wuss about saving, here you go.

Savings accounts to check out with high APY

1. Wealthfront (this is who I use)

Click here for my affiliate

2. American Express (this is who my bestie uses)

3. CashApp (they have a surprisingly high APY)

4. Ally (some of my coworkers use this)


Higher APY is always better when it comes to a savings account, pay attention to withdrawal limits if you need quick access to funds

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