*beginner level*
Do you have a savings account? Yes? Okay – this is for you.
Up until recently I had a regular degular savings account at Navy Fed, they have a APY of .25%(this is shit btw)
APY means: Annual Percentage Yield, AKA the percentage I can earn off what’s in that account.
For some reason I always liked the idea of banking at a go to place, creature of habit I guess. The more I shopped around though banks have different rates for savings accounts.
Now I have a 5% APY rate, which is pretty good for a savings account. It also has (unlimited) withdrawals. So if you are still being a wuss about saving, here you go.
Savings accounts to check out with high APY
1. Wealthfront (this is who I use)
Click here for my affiliate2. American Express (this is who my bestie uses)
3. CashApp (they have a surprisingly high APY)
4. Ally (some of my coworkers use this)
Higher APY is always better when it comes to a savings account, pay attention to withdrawal limits if you need quick access to funds